Brain Training Tips

There are tons of ways in which we can improve our own brain function. Integrating the following tips into our daily routines can create an enormous change in our lives: It can boost our confidence, make us sharp and alert, improve our attention spans, prioritization skills and curiosity levels, not to mention the exponential leveraging of our productivity. Isn’t that something? But before you proceed, try to remember that solid results demand an ongoing implementation of the tips you have learnt. Enjoy!

1. Your brain is in fact quite special

Brain imaging as well as fMRI scans show that our brains differ substantially, both functionally and physically. knowing this allows us to approach study subjects in our own way. be calm and assured that you can achieve everything you want, using your untapped, incredible brain power.

2. Your brain needs a good challenge

If we’re trying to learn too slowly, we will probably start feeling as if we’re in the “drone zone.” Unchallenged, our brains just turn off. A stimulating environment however, not only turns our brain on, but can actually make it grow and develop, according to Professor Marion Diamond who demonstrated this concept by nurturing Smart Rats.

On the other hand, if we’re trying to learn too fast we feel frustrated. This is why we need to find that optimal pace for learning, in which our brains are stretched but not choked. Learning at the right pace will result in a “flow”, that awesome cognitive state where time flies, and we are exhilarated and sensing a feel of accomplishment. So find the right level of challenge in what you are currently learning, in terms of pace, level, and precision and step on the gas to get into the “flow” zone.

3.Your brain is a delicate biological organ

That’s why it is crucially affected by your physical condition and surroundings. To boost your learning, consider conditions such as Lighting, Temperature, Body posture and Seating, Air Quality, Time of day nutrition and etc.

Ask yourself: what would make my study more comfortable or exciting? Then, take some simple steps to adjust your learning environment accordingly.

4. Pay some respect to your Emotions Too

Each of us carries a limbic system and reptilean brain features- relics from our evolutionary past. These centers of emotion, anxiety, fear and passion, can either strengthen or hurt our learning. So try to activate your feelings to boost learning. Use visualization and association in your learning. Think of the benefits which will reward you for your efforts. Visualize yourself as a superstar in the field and start enjoying the gratification. This can turn the initial resistance into attraction.
So think of what feelings are sapping your motivation to learn, write them down, and consider how can you cope with them better.

5. You have multiple intelligences

Forget about IQ – it’s not a well based indicator. Most people have six other kinds of intelligence: athletic, musical, poetic, practical. (Prof. H.Gardner of Harvard has pioneered this field of cognitive research). Identify your own unique mental strengths and choose your subjects of study with them in mind. When encountering a subject that does not have too much in common with your strengths, try being creative about how it can relate. Try to uplift your study subject by looking at it from your favorite intelligence perspective.

6. Preview contents of studying material

You can highlighten the information to be studied, draw or write special remarks to differentiate and discriminate the importance of the content before you.

7. Question the information

Create questions on sticky-notes and put them in book margins. Then answer the questions in a short, pragmatic style.

8. Restatements

Try to restate the information in a notebook using your own words. Modification of statements leads to a more complete comprehension.

9. Illustrations

Illustrate the information with drawings, graphs, etc. Use brain-maps and flow charts to summarize and centralize the studying material.

10. Imagination

This one is simple. When you’re walking down the street (or wherever), just try to visualize a changing reality: The light poles are bending, the cars turning into animals, the sun becoming green and etc. It so easy, yet it sets your creative mind on fire! You can do this anywhere.

11. Boost Verbal Fluency

You can do this while waiting at your doctor’s clinic, or just instead of killing another dead moment. Take a piece of paper and a pen, and write down, within 1 minute, a list of items of any sort that belongs to a mutual category: movies, auto firms, capitals, countries, books and etc. After you’ve completed the list, write it once again. Now you can count and see that you have written more items the second time. Each time you do this, your list will become longer, containing more items. That’s because you are becoming more and more organized. Doing it once a day will consume a total of 2.5 minutes of your time, but will have a substantial accumulative effect on your verbal retrieval speed and fluency.

12. Games!

Games are a great way of challenging and boosting up your cognitive function, while improving memory. Crosswords are popular puzzles that allow you to start with simple ones and move up to more cryptic puzzles as your skill level develops. Sudoku is an awesome game that requires you to think ahead for future moves. This means you need the skill of planning, which is a highly mentally stimulating activity. Chess is another such strategic game. Strategic board games are also a great source for brain improvement. Card games of various sorts are a great combination of many different mind-boosters: socialization, speed, decision making and planning.

13. Meditation

Meditating daily is one of the best things you can do for your body and mind. It provides relaxation, but also works out your brain. You need to find a quiet place where you can sit comfortably for around 15 minutes. Setting a timer is advised, so you don’t have to worry about the time. You can take deep, breaths, being aware of each inhalation and exhalation and the pause in between.

14. Mind your Nutrition

Maintaining a healthy, balanced diet is even more important for your brain than it is for the rest of your physical body. Fresh fruit and vegetables, low-fat proteins and healthy fatty acids, like those found in fish oils, nuts, seeds and olive oil. Low GI carbs are also essential, so eat whole wheat bread and get enough fiber.

15. Story Telling

We all engage in small talk about politics, gossip, the weather, what we did today and etc. However, planning a good story to tell stimulates our brain and improves our memory. You can tell a story about something that you’re excited about, the more positive the story – the better. Keep your story short, and provide plenty of sensory detail- including vision, smell, sound, touch, tempreture. Include your feelings as well. Try to “act out” the story, don’t just tell it. It’ll make wonders to your brain function.

16. Physical Exercise and Mental Strength

When exercising, your brain acquires new muscle skills, calculate distances, controls coordination and maintains balance. That’s why even a simple physical activity such as walking is party of brain stimulation. Undertaking physical exercise on a daily basis will pump up your brain, not just your body.

17. Various Reading

Try reading a wider spectrum of subjects. Don’t get stuck in your old comfort zone reading just the types of books, mags and papers that you have grown accustomed to. Reach out of your comfort zone and expose yourself to new styles and contents. A good mix of science, literature, fiction and biographies will provide you with a substantial mental stimulation, as well as an integrated, better understanding of the world around you.

18. Learning New Skills

Lifelong learning is great for your brain, and everyone should do it. It is relatively easy to learn things you are interested in or to motivate yourself to learn things that will assist your career or future business. Try to acquire one new skill every month and your benefits will double: you’ll know more stuff and you’ll also develop an improved skill of knowing how to learn! (The skill of learning). Knowing how to learn is probably the most important skill of all, and just like every other skill – you can acquire it by repetition and practice.

19. Change Your Routines

Doing the same things in a routine way puts your brain on autopilot, while denying it from conducting thinking processes in the cereberal cortex. Try to do things in a different way, such as using your opposite hand, taking a different route to work, or taking your vacation somewhere you’ve never been before.

20. Grow Plants

Keeping a garden or even merely planting something in a bowl with soil activates many of your senses and strengthen neuro-connections. Overall, staying close to nature will increase your sense of confidence and competency.

21. Try Learning a new Language

Learning a new language is an extremely stimulating brain activity. While struggling through the basics of a new language your mind is vigorously active, trying to figure out logical patterns and produce new structures based on their root logic. For Extra motivation, try learning a spoken language that will help you in your career or business.