8 Life Lessons from the Greatest English Writer

When we hear the words, greatest English writer, most of us think of William Shakespeare. After all, who does not know of Romeo and Juliet, or Hamlet?

Shakespeare, born in 1564 was a poet, writer, playwright and actor. Even though he was not appreciated during his lifetime, presently there are few who do not know of him.

It is estimated that Shakespeare had an IQ of a staggering 210 compared to the normal person’s IQ of 110. It is no wonder then that he coined an enormous amount of poems, stories and plays. He did comedies, tragedies and romances fabulously and was not limited to one genre. His work is still transformed and adapted till date in movies, plays and songs.

There is a lot that we can learn from the life and words of Shakespeare.

Be strong in the face of adversity
“The robb’d that smiles steals something from the thief.”

There will always be people who want to see you fail. But as they say, the best revenge is living a good life. When someone wrongs you, they wrong you once. But if you hold a grudge against them, then you give them control over your thoughts, emotions and actions. Learn to forget the wrong done to you. Learn to let the past go. You will feel calmer, clearer and happier.

Take action
“Action is eloquence.”

Be proactive. If you want to see a change happen, start with yourself first. If you have a great idea that you believe in, start working on it. Action is key to getting anything done. So take action.

Go easy on yourself
“Do as the heavens have done, forget your evil; With them forgive yourself.”

We have all made mistakes, hurt the feelings of our loved ones, wronged some people in our lives. The important thing is realizing your mistakes, introspecting on your actions, learning from your past and then moving on. You must move on, as guilt is a very tricky thing. It can consume you. You must believe first that you are a good person who may have done a bad thing. But one bad action does not define who you are. It is what you do after you realize your mistake that shows your true measure.

Follow your heart
“Go to your bosom: Knock there, and ask your heart what it doth know.”

The heart is an amazing organ, the best of machines. The heart we are talking about here though is our subconscious or our instinct. Deep down you know what is the right thing you must do to move on, in any situation. Whether it is realizing you are in a bad relationship, a wrong job, or studying the wrong thing. So once in a while, get in touch with your inner self and try to discover if you are doing what you really want.

Love yourself
“Self-love, my liege, is not so vile a sin, as self-neglecting.”

When the oxygen masks drop down in a plane during an emergency, you are always instructed to put your mask on first, and then help anyone else. Putting yourself first and loving yourself is not selfish. It is smart. You can only achieve anything in life or care for others if you are in good health, physically as well as mentally. So take some time off, pamper yourself, give yourself a good time, give yourself a deserving break.

Believe in your potential
“We know what we are, but know not what we may be.”

You may not be as good as your colleague or as smart as your mentor but you must always realize that time can refine you. It is not about what you are today, but what you have the potential of becoming, through the right training, dedication and commitment.

Do not wrong anyone
“Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”

Make it a point to not cheat or wrong anyone. The amount of hearts that can break or be saved by you is in your hands. Whether it comes to your personal, professional or spiritual life, it is neither wise not healthy to do bad to someone. Not only do you close potential doors for yourself by making enemies, but it is just bad karma. So do good. Even to the ones who wronged you. Let them carry their own burden of doing wrong.

Control your own future
“It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.”

Stop blaming your circumstances, friends, parents or partners for what is going wrong in your life. If you are giving someone credit for what goes wrong in your life, then when things go right, you must also give out the same credit. The truth is no one can make you do anything, no one can change your mood, no one can choose what you study, where you live or what you do. Unless you give up your own control. You have a right to make your own choices, and affect your own future. So take this right. Take control.